CU Benefit Snapshot™

See how choosing a credit union could benefit you!
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Choosing a Connecticut credit union could provide you about... $-- in financial benefits a year!* * Actual benefits may vary based on credit union, rate, balance and term, and number of services. CU Benefit Snapshot™ calculated by accounting for the differences in average 2016 credit union and bank pricing data with 2016 year-end balances and number of accounts. Data provided from Informa Research/Datatrac and the Credit Union National Association. Calculations do not amortize balances over the life of loan accounts or add accrued interest on deposit amounts.
With all those benefits, you could get... Calculate the results using the checkboxes above.
Connecticut’s Credit Unions
Plus, Connecticut credit union members receive more than $6 million in financial benefits a year from fewer/lower fees. Find your credit union today

Credit unions exist to meet your needs and to help you gain control of your financial future. Whether it’s a checking account, auto loan, mortgage, or any other financial need, Connecticut’s Credit Unions are on your side and here for your success. No matter where you live or work in Connecticut,

There’s one for you. FIND OUT MORE

Did You Know?

84% of credit unions offer free checking accounts with no monthly maintenance fees or minimum balance requirements.

Source: 2017

Did You Know?

In 2016, Connecticut's Credit Unions provided 45,000 meals to Connecticut residents through donations to the Connecticut Food Bank and Foodshare.

Did You Know?

By offering better rates and lower fees, Connecticut's Credit Unions provided $73,907,021 in direct financial benefits to CT's nearly 1 million members in 2016.

Source: CUNA’s Economics and Statistics Department, 2017