American Eagle Financial Credit Union Helps Make Back-to-School Easy

American Eagle Financial Credit Union is kicking off the back-to-school season with various activities, including raising funds and gathering supplies, to help ease the burden of expense for families of East Hartford public schools. Most recently, credit union employees collected and donated over 100 backpacks filled with supplies to benefit the Franklin Mayberry Middle School in East Hartford.
Additionally, funds donated by the credit union went toward purchasing 180 backpacks for the 2nd Annual Back-to-School Rally held by the East Hartford public schools on Saturday, August 19, 2017. American Eagle FCU employees volunteered by stuffing, organizing, and packing over 700 backpacks in preparation for the event. The backpack rally benefited East Hartford residents with children in grades K-12. Families were invited to attend and learn more about local organizations and services designed to help overcome barriers to education. More than 950 backpacks filled with supplies were handed out to students who attended the event.
To learn more about American Eagle Financial Credit Union’s community involvement, visit