GE Credit Union Launches New Multilingual Website

After 4 months in the making, there has been great excitement since the September launch of GE Credit Union’s new responsive-designed, multilingual website:
“When we redesigned our website 3 years ago it was a big hit and fitting for the times. It’s amazing how quickly technology, especially website technology changes and you have to keep up with it!” Explains GECU’s Vice President of Marketing, Audra Wilder. “So when the opportunity came to evolve our website’s features and functionalities to better serve our members, we jumped on the task and got to work.”
GECU’s new website is one designed with their members (existing and potential) in mind, including:
- Fully responsive and language-responsive for Spanish speaking members
- Quick Button Pages – now you can easily find a way to manage your money, apply for a loan, and more
- Reorganized for simplified searching
- Completely rewritten in a language everyone understands
- Stay in the know by signing up to receive emails from the Credit Union
- Highlights about us and what it means (and how you benefit) from being a member of the GE Credit Union family
Since the launch, new session activity has increased by approximately 60% and the number of new visitors has reached an all-time high at 49% (up from 24% over the previous time period). Wilder is overjoyed to see these increases and is looking forward to integrating newer technologies in 2018 now that a solid foundation has been built.