Nutmeg State Financial Credit Union Supports March of Dimes

Kiri Thomson was very optimistic when she joined Nutmeg State Financial Credit Union in 2016 as both a member and employee. She saw the credit union’s company culture and dedication to the community it serves. She knew instinctively good things would happen.
As a mother of four, she faced an uphill battle when giving birth to her premature twins in 2009. After receiving help and compassion from The March of Dimes organization, she knew she had to pay it forward for other families facing similar struggles. She became a chapter ambassador in Connecticut and took her advocacy to Nutmeg for community participation.
Nutmeg’s staff joined together to raise money for The March of Dimes building in a “Wear Purple - Spirit Day” to show their dedication to one another and especially to Kiri, her family, and the other families that face the threat of premature births. Branch staff advocated for the cause raising money from members and donating money for every Kidz Club Savings Account opened during National Credit Union Youth Week. The credit union was able to present the local March of Dimes chapter with a check for $2,000 raised in under 5 days. Nutmeg plans to make this fundraiser an annual tradition and hopes to exceed its fundraising goals each year!