See How Nicholas Got on Track and Won $3,000!

Nicholas - Member of Connex CU
Nicholas, like many college students, fell into the credit card trap and racked up over $5,000 in credit card debt across 7 different cards. His budget was also very strained, which made it difficult to put money aside for emergencies. When Connex announced it’s ConneXfactor competition earlier this year, Nick saw an opportunity to get back on the right financial track and applied. Five members were selected to work with a Connex Financial Advocate to see who could win the title of most Fiscally Fit to win a $3,000 grand prize. Nick’s goals were to pay off two credit cards, build an emergency savings, and increase his credit score. After working very diligently with his Advocate for 6 months, Nick was recently announced as the Grand Prize winner! He more than met every goal: three credit cards were paid off, his emergency savings was exceeded by $800, and his credit score increased by 25 points. Nick, the youngest contestant, says the competition has given him a new financial outlook and instilled practices that he will use for the rest of his life. He has found meeting with his Financial Advocate, Michelle Panzo, to be a very valuable experience in financial savviness. So much so that Nick’s mother now meets with Michelle on a regular basis!